Monday, April 29, 2013

Weekends at the Andersons

Our new life in KC would make a much better cast & storyline for the show "How to Live with Your Parents For the Rest of Your Life".

Andie and I have two days of the week by ourselves. The rest of the time, at least one person is home with us. This makes our days so much fun and the days by ourselves, so much sweeter :).

So much fitness going on in our lives. And chocolate.
My cousins and aunt did the WARRIOR DASH this weekend and I signed up for a 5k! Husband got a whole weight system set up in the basement, and so many walks have taken place recently thanks to the FINALLY warm weather!
Also, Jason got me ... get this... JAYHAWK.... RUSSEL STOVER.... chocolates.

Can you say amaze? This is what marriage is all about, people.

Anyways, here is an overload of pics from the weekend!
I need to post more if I'm going to take this many pictures ;)

No she's not 4 months yet, but we bought her an "exersaucer" and she loves it. 

First time to meet Aunt Nancy! She is older than Papa and ran in the Warrior Dash! Go Nancy!

Also, it's Monday.
I'm working on patience today. But I need to become patient RIGHT NOW.

See what I did there?...

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Collective happenings.

"This week in Kansas"... read that like it's a reality show on Bravo. ;)

Panera dates with Nana and Papa, shopping at Town Center (yes we did get those SG's), my first time eating Creme Brulee (OBSESSED), finally napping in our bouncer*, acting too cool for school at Spin Pizza, and Daddy in his usual cozy position.

*While garage sale/ house shopping with my parents and husband, baby girl of course has a blow out. I of course didn't bring an extra outfit. We just happened to be outside the perfect garage sale with baby clothes. Thank the Lord Almighty. 

3 months

Three months already???

Okay more like 3 and a half... Oops. Better late than never. 

You are a little over 14 lbs. You are finally napping out of your arms and in your bouncer. You smile smile smile everyday. No laughs yet, but the cutest squeals. You drool a gallon a day. You kick and get so excited when I lay you down. You don't mind other people holding you. In fact you snuggle them. Watching you wake up in the morning never gets old. I love you more than ever.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Leaving OKC

We have officially been in Kansas 12 days, so I've gotten over my emotional "goodbyes" and No-More-Uppercrust-causing-depression.

The day we left, Andie had her first party!! Our cousin Grey turned 3 and celebrated with some Mickey Mouse. We got some sweet pictures of all the babies.

We celebrated our 'Last Days' with a little visit to CHK's restaurant on J's last day. All the lady cooks LOVED Andie and I got a lot of haters for taking her away. 

We said goodbye to our boyfriends.

And took one last nap at our first house. 

On to the next! On on to the next.... 

So far we have gotten Sheridan's ice cream 2393834 times and have enjoyed Nana and Papa's cable.
Have a great Wednesday! We're enjoying the rain!

Sunday, April 14, 2013


A friend on facebook wrote this and I just have to share. I know any mommy can relate. I literally cry every time I read it.

As I fixed a cup of coffee at 3:45am while trying to soothe my fussy baby I think "you have got to be kidding me! We both so badly need some relief." But then as I sat on the couch rocking her with her head buried in my neck I caught a whiff of her formula breath. Mmmmm! I took another whiff of it and rubbed her face with mine. I thought about my phone conversations with my mom and grandmas. Me "Hey! What are you up to? "
Them "Oh not much. Had lunch. Went to the store. Came home. Watched (insert favorite show)." Life of ease.
I update them on my long, busy day/week and tell them how much I didn't get done.
Towards the end of the convo, they always say "I sure do miss you. I would love to see you!"
I decide, at least for tonight, I am going ignore how tired I am and soak up every single second of my baby wanting and needing me. Tomorrow will come. I will be well rested. I will go bed when I want and to the store (and bathroom) alone. When I have Kynnli on the phone I will listen to everything she has to say about her long, crazy, and busy days. Because at that point she won't need me to hold and rock her for hours, days. She will only need me to listen for a few mins, every few days. And I will miss rocking my little baby.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter Weekend

Don't judge me.
I didn't plan on getting Baby Girl an Easter basket. 

I mean, she's 2 months old. BUT... when Pottery Barn puts their Easter baskets on sale, you gotta get one monogrammed. And when Barnes and Nobles has Buy one, Get one 50% off.... you gotta take it. And then when you see the fancy book display of all the fun Easter books... you gotta browse. And then when one of them makes you tear up reading it, you have to get that! And then when you see one called "Pat the Bunny" and it's interactive and relevant to the holiday, YOU HAVE TO GET IT!

And that, my friends, is my version of "when you give a mouse a cookie". I'll call it "when I go shopping anywhere for anything". 

Our weekend in pics:::

please disregard my face.... we were real excited her chucks fit! Thanks Aunt Shelby!

Our easter get up sans headband...

Happy blurry baby!

Cousin shot! I can't tell you how much I love this.

More on her Easter basket later!