Thursday, March 28, 2013

Playing Catch Up

I seriously need to get on my blogging game! Whoops!

As I'm sitting here eating carrots & ranch, drinking a pepsi, Baby Girl is asleep in my arms like normal. Don't judge. Maybe someday she'll nap in her crib.

We are so excited because in about a week, we are moving to KANSAS CITY!!! We're living with my parents for a while, which that might deserve a whole blog in itself! ;)

I cant help but think of all the million milestones Andie will go through living at Nana and Papa's house. First foods maybe? First time sitting up, rolling over, laughing???

"They grow up too fast"...
But seriously, I'm loving her 2.5 month old phase SO much!

We had a lovely family day for St. Patty's

Our friend Barrett came over to play. He's so sweet to her and constantly says "BABY!"

Love this... first time in the Bumbo. Also, she is now too long for size 0-3 footies. Everything else still fits. This girl is just l o n g.

Andie, I'm so sorry for this. We had to try on her Jayhawk swimmers during the KU vs. UNC game...

I just love this picture. I can just hear her singing, "I'm ready to paaarrtyyyy" from Bridesmaids.

Ugh, I can't take this.

Oh and we finally like Sophie!! Score.

Happy Easter everyone!

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