Thursday, December 20, 2012

Fit for a Princess

I am just 3 days shy of being FULL TERM. The carseat is installed, the room is (almost) done, big items are bought and assembled, and my belly is bruished from the inside out. She’s head down and ready to make her arrival!! I can see the finish line! 
Without further ado, here is baby girl’s room:

That last item is J’s favorite part of the whole room. 
Most everything is from Craigslist or a little store I like called The Rink. The rest is probably from Target or other thrift stores. I made the curtain (read: I almost died from making that darn ruffle curtain) and Jason and I made the baby.
Obviously Andie doesn’t care or even know if she likes any of this, just like no one asked me if I liked bunnies painted on my walls as a baby. Regardless, this is what she’s getting and I like it, which is all that matters. It is. 

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