Monday, March 11, 2013

First KC Trip


The iPhone, portable DVD player, Baby Einstein and her bug (toy, of course) are life savers on a roadtrip.

She didn't necessarily dig being in the car when it got dark out, so let's pray that changes. 

We had a great time visiting Nana and Grandpa (Papo Gigo... if you get this reference, you've got great Christmas movie taste). 
We made it to a few restaurants and events, which wore her out. Always love it when she's worn out.

Here's our trip in pics:::

Finally, some family pics.

Had to stop at Sheridans for ice cream in 30-degree weather. Thank God those heaters were there...

My balding baby became verrrrry fond of her Grandpa.

4 generations!!!

There was a lot of this:

The closest Logan got to holding her:

Oh hey cousin friends!

She was real excited for her trip home.

KC, hope to see more of you soon!

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