Saturday, October 12, 2013

9 months.

This girl....

Length: 29.25 inch (96%)
Weight: 19 lbs 3 oz (67%)

This girl is long and lean. Except those thighs. Gotta put her chunk somewhere, amiright?

Milestones this month:

  • That tooth is half way in and I am on the edge of my seat for another one! 
  • You ONLY say "mama" and you stick your bottom lip out when you do. Sorry, Daddy! We're working on it, I promise!
  • You are a PRO at waving "hello" and "bye bye"! I don't even have to wave first... you just do it! When I come to get you in the morning, I open the curtains and you wave outside because I used to say "hello world"... cutest thing.
  • You love to clap and "dance" (a type of scoot know) to any song, but especially Bubble Guppies (can you tell it is all that we watch).
  • You are FINALLY putting yourself back to sleep most nights! (*** key: most. I have finally come to realize that sleeping is not a milestone... when I chose to become a mom, I chose to give up sleep forever. Or at least until they're all out of my house... maybe.)

Things you like this month:
  • You LOVE shells and cheese and anything green but you're not a huge fan of fruit! That's Jason Taylor's child right there. Def not mine. 
  • You love the ol' toss-ya-in-the-air trick. 
  • Your favorite toys right now consist of a penguin puppet, your stand-up music table, and the elefun ball shooter (score for $4!). Mommy's favorite toy is your cat piano/mic/thing. :)
  • You have to get up and walk EVERYWHERE. I guess this is more of a milestone, but you fully enjoy "finger walking". You can get there WAY faster!
Things you don't like this month:
  • Strangers. Hello, separation anxiety.
  • The vacuum. Not the coolest task of the day.
  • Changing after bathtime. Laying on your back + being cold for any matter of time = fussy fussy fussy! 
  • Teething. Duh.
Special memories:

  • Watching daddy's first Kansas MS 150 ride! 
  • Wearing two piece pajamas (milestone or memory? Either way, I'm crying.)
  • Our first trip to Nebraska Furniture Mart and Louisburg Cider Mill.
  • Having Ampa & Amma visit our new house!

Love you sweet girl! Can this month drag on please? I'm not ready for double digit months. That means I have to plan her TEA PARTY birthday party! There is no better joy than this (besides Jesus...duh).

Side note, Jason and I have decided to shorten the "possesions" month of 7 and go right to "media" month. More on this after the media month :). I will not be on facebook, Instagram, blogs, etc. And if you do see me on there, tell me to go read a book! 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Our weekend in pictures.

We had the best weekend with my in-laws! They were our first visitors in our new house (hello motivation to get the guest room done)!

It also happened to be the very first fall-ish weather. We had to turn on our heat! Hallelujah! So obviously there were so many snuggles:::

And intense Bubble Guppy watching:

These two are twins, I tell ya. Both babies and they could talk your head off. 

Best candid:

Best "give me that donut" face:

And some family pics: (but I can't show you the best one... it's christmas card material)

uh, I die:

So happy fall y'all! Go get some cider donuts and hot, fresh apple cider! 
Andie is 9 months old! More on that coming soon! 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

a simplified life.

I forgot to publish this post a few weeks ago! Whoops:::

We are almost entering our third month of "7"!

Let me just tell you how we're doing: If I were a teacher, I'd give us an "F". If we were getting paid for this, we MIGHT have a couple dollars. If we were already living and adapted to a third world country, we'd be knocking this thing out of the park.

But we're Americans. Living in America, drinking American water, coping with this 21st century American society. So Jason basically hasn't even participated in the 2nd month (which is clothing, btw).   My first month with food basically went:

Eat the 7 foods for about 2 days, by the 3rd day, I've cheated, and by the 4th day, I've switched one of the foods out with something else. Ha.. so I'm a failure.

HOWEVER.... Our effort doesn't reflect our gain. Our spiritual, emotional, and mental gain from TRYING. It is now a constant thought in my head every day: to live more simply. So far, I've actually loved only wearing 7 items of clothing. It takes up so much less time in my day deciding on what to wear, I haven't ONCE thought "I have nothing to wear" because I have my 7 clothes. I know what I have and every morning, I just chose an outfit.

I mean, I wear the same outfit to bed and then again the next day all the time (it's a mom thing;)), so clothes really wasn't too hard. I did realize how much I could get rid of!

A significant question Jen Hatmaker asks in her book is about identifying yourself with these THINGS.

"What in my life, if taken away, would alter my value or identity?"

I try and think about this whenever I'm questioning keeping something, buying something, or giving (something I've been doing more of) something. Even things I get for Andie! It breaks my heart sometimes going into her closet knowing all her clothing needs are met and so much more, when a lot of children don't have any clothes at all!

So I'm off to go sleep in my Nike shorts and gray gap tee. Again. for the 4th day in a row.